Your credit card details are private and not open to or liable to scrutiny by any third party. All online transactions on this web site are totally safe and secure using 128 bit encryption through VEROTEL our trusted billing agents. Please read our terms of service below. Your membership gives you instant access to all the films and content 24 hours a day. There are no download limits and nothing more to pay. As well as our regular film and picture updates we will be adding BONUS CONTENT including our COMPILATION videos, these may run for over 60 mins, exclusive members own films and pictures and other meterial we think you may like to see. |
Should you have any payment issues please contact Verotel at
Contractual understanding and terms of use. Payment of the subscription is acceptance of these terms Please note that we do not issue refunds if you cannot access the site, or read and display the images or WMV video files, due to a problem which we diagnose as being with your computer hardware, software, firewall, router or your Internet Service Provider. Our security system is designed to protect you our members from unauthorized use of our site. As a part of this system we have software installed to regulate against the use of proxy servers, password sharing and mass download managers. We are sure that every genuine member will welcome this security. For added security we only issue random usernames and passwords - you will not have the option of choosing, or subsequently changing, your own username or password. It is your responsibility to remember your username and password and to keep it secure. We will assist you as best we can to enable access but, if we are able to successfully access the site using your account ID and password and the relevant files are in place and downloadable on our server, you accept that we have fulfilled our commitment to provide the service. We carry a large number of videos on the site and do from time to time change the members’ area content. This is done for a number of reasons. We have a large number of long term members and we try to vary the content for them. As download speeds get faster we remove videos for re editing into longer programs and for re-encoding and digitizing, this improves the quality and gives you a better viewing experience. We maintain a balance of program material which from experience we know will find approval among our members. We do not guarantee particular models will be featured on our site nor particular sequences. We retain the right to alter add to or remove content at anytime so as to improve the service to our members. Our price guarantee will last for the life of your membership this includes renewals, to maintain that price you must renew before your membership expires. Our prices are based on the US dollar rate so may fluctuate from time to time. All material on this site is for enjoyment by our members who may download and view this material in return for their membership contribution. Joining this site does not permit you in any way to distribute, lend or publish any of the content including movies or still images in any physical or electronic form or in any media or to any other person or web site. This includes; YouTube, Daily Motion, Porno Tube, Rapid Share, SendSpace or any other repository system. All our models are 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction. The term 'schoolgirls' refers to over 18s All pictures, video and other content is copyright 'english-spankers' 2003-2016. Proof of age is on file in full compliance with USC2257 (Click)
All technical enquiries and problems should be reported via our Help Desk |